
2016 VCDX Workshop Locations and Registrations

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year.

I wanted to provide a quick update on 2016 VCDX Workshops. In 2015, we established a new process that aligned workshops with key VMUG events. This worked out extremely well to combine efforts and combine events. We also learned a few things in developing the new process. Primarily around the registration system, and tracking of registrations and attendees. Based on that we’ve streamlined a lot.

First and foremost, as many know, all the Workshops are listed in the official VCDX Calendar of Events so you can easily find them. We’ve also incorporated the registration link so you can quickly get a seat.


Once we have the final location, we will make sure all the details are in the calendar as well as the registration link. You’ll find that we added a few more than we had last year, and we added more locations outside the US at the request of the community.

Second, we have decided to use EventBrite.com for all the Workshop registrations. Each Workshop has a limited number of seats so using this system allows people to reserve a seat as well as maintain a wait list. We ask that you only register if you can truly attend since we want to fill the rooms each time.

Third, we will be updating some of the previous content to account for some of the new policies and procedures. The bulk of the content will be the same as previous Workshops but we do need to make sure the new changes are known to aspiring candidates.

Lastly, it’s worth mentioning these are all the Workshops we will hold in 2016.  We determine and budget for them in Q4, so if there is not one that perfectly meets your needs this year, there might be next year. You can email us requests for 2017 locations and depending on how it maps with VMUG events they can be considered.

There you have it, all the news about the 2016 VCDX Workshops under an ever improving, scalable process. To me, the nice part about having these the day BEFORE the VMUG event is that you don’t have to miss anything at the VMUG, but most importantly you will be around for vBeers.  Just Saying…