
How VCP Re-Certification Affects your VCDX

I’ve been fielding some questions lately about the VMware Certified Professional (VCP) recertification policy from a lot of VCDX’s like myself that have been receiving emails. I can tell you I pretty much ignored them as they came in because the reality is, it does not affect your VCDX certification. Some VCDXs have wondered if their VCP expiring would also cause the VCAP/VCIX and VCDX to expire. This is NOT the case, and here is the proof.

In MyLearn there are now two sub-tabs under myTranscript, one for “Current” and “Expired”. While on a call with Paul Sorensen I logged in and checked for myself, and you can see that yes, in fact, I have three VCP’s that are expired.


However, you can then see in the “Current” section that my VCAP’s and my VCDX are all still current.


I want to reiterate something we have long said: your VCDX does not expire! Your VCDX is versioned, however, and there is always a plan for people to continue to keep their version up to date, but unlike the VCP it does not expire.

Upgrading Your VCDX Version:

The only requirement to upgrade your VCDX version is to take the latest VCIX/VCAP Design Exam only.  There has been a few people that asked “how can I take the VCIX/VCAP Design exam if my VCP is expired?”  The answer is quite simple…..it does not matter. You can always book and sit for exams out of order.  There is no requirement to have an active VCP for you to sit and pass the design exam.  Once you do, it will upgrade your VCDX and underlying certifications.  So logistically, it’s not an issue to just book and take the VCIX/VCAP design exam as a VCDX to get your version upgraded.

Partner Program Qualification Note:

For partner authorizations requiring VMware certifications, a current VCDX will count towards any lower-level certification requirements, regardless of whether the lower-level certification has expired.  See your specific Partner Authorization rules for more details.