
3 Steps to Put You on the Path to the Software-Defined Data Center

The software-designed data center (SDDC) was the hot topic at VMworld 2013, which wrapped up this week. Our consultants and the VMworld speakers helped answer lots of SDDC questions, but we know that there are still plenty out there—especially for those of you who couldn’t join us in San Francisco.

To begin at the beginning: How do we define the software-defined data center? As VMware Professional Services Chief Architect John Steiner points out in this video, SDDC is not just virtualization of servers, networks, and storage. He instead describes it as “cloud done right,” and outlines the other processes that allow IT organizations to realize the full benefits of a software-defined data center architecture.

We know organizations are also looking for specific steps to help them design an efficient transition to the software-defined data center. In this second video, John explains three key questions for organizations to answer, pointing out, “It’s not about doing it all at once—it’s about understanding how I can drive virtualization and server definition into all the key components in all my endpoints.”

For more details on getting the full benefits of the software-defined data center, please contact VMware Technology Consulting Services. They will be happy to help!