Technical Adoption Manager (TAM)

TAM Stories: Evolving for Innovative Infrastructure Solutions

“TAM Stories” is a three-part series highlighting how VMware customers working with Technical Adoption Managers (TAMs) achieve successful outcomes for their technology environments. In this blog post, learn how Darryl Shorts and Varghese Philipose help customers utilize what they have to move major initiatives forward and achieve their goals.

Updating infrastructure can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to require new products, technology, or people. With the right strategies and tactics, organizations can learn to fully adopt their current technology environment’s capabilities. Additionally, organizations can remove silos and provide training and upskilling opportunities to help their staff evolve and collaborate to learn new processes and technologies that result from IT ecosystem changes.

Read on and view the short videos below for examples of how VMware customers learned to fully utilize their technology and upskill their people to achieve desired outcomes.

Healthcare customers gain the virtual capabilities they want for infrastructure optimization 

Darryl Shorts started his career over 20 years ago, bringing his unique technical skills and business acumen to his current role as a TAM at VMware. From his beginnings as a support desk analyst, Darryl grew into the position of enterprise architect for a major healthcare provider, where he utilized VMware technologies. There, he learned to understand and minimize security risks, increase service delivery speed, and increase service agility. He takes pride in collaborating with customer teams to solve their most challenging issues and optimize their IT ecosystems. Watch Darryl illustrate how one customer managed their existing resources to gain more virtual capabilities.

Unlocking the full capabilities of virtual environments can facilitate features such as file services for additional robustness, availability, and resilience. A key advantage of this approach is the cost-effectiveness of leveraging the resources within an organization’s existing infrastructure. Working with a subject matter expert such as a TAM can help expedite and navigate the initial setup of any virtual solutions.

Overcoming adoption hurdles through collaboration and upskilling

Varghese Philipose has been at VMware for over 10 years and is currently a Principal TAM based in Dubai. He is an active member of several VMware ambassador programs and a frequent speaker at VMware events. Varghese is an expert in multi-cloud management and is passionate about helping customers optimize their suite of VMware Aria™ solutions, including VMware Tanzu® and VMware Aria Operations™. Watch Varghese share how one customer increased technology adoption and maximized their internal knowledge base.

Issues such as internal silos, assumptions, and lack of collaboration opportunities and tools can sidetrack technology adoption. With the right onboarding applications for new technologies and a commitment to ongoing upskilling and learning, IT teams can better manage and integrate new and evolving technologies within their IT environments. Collaborating with a TAM can help ensure progress for new infrastructure adoption and ongoing management by internal teams.

Considerations for successful IT infrastructure outcomes

Improve infrastructure project outcomes by including the following considerations in optimization plans.

  • Requirements and modernization goals – Document tangible goals and measures that align with the overall mission of your business.
  • Proposed solutions – Introduce innovative solutions and integrations that maximize the capabilities of your current technology and people.
  • Adoption planning – Address possible struggles such as low adoption rates and skills gaps with planned training programs and project transparency.
  • Monitoring and visibility – Implement centralized dashboards and ensure accessibility to all IT teams.
  • Success and expansion – Continue to look inward at existing resources and internal teams to maximize their potential.

Learn more about working with TAMs

If you’d like to learn more about how TAMs can help your organization achieve its technology goals efficiently and accelerate technology adoption, visit the TAM page online. Get a glimpse of the possible impact of TAM services – including a return on investment of 531% over three years – by reviewing the highlights of the Forrester Research publication, “The Total Economic Impact Study of VMware Technical Account Management Services.”