
Inside Look at the Hands-on Lab Environment

By Kevin Moats, Network and Security Technical Account Manager (NS TAM)

Ever have the need to test a specific VMware product feature or configuration quickly? The VMware Hands-on Lab (HOL) is a fantastic learning tool to do just that. As a regular HOL captain at VMworld over the years, and as a Network and Security TAM, needing to evaluate use cases for customers, I can vouch for the HOL benefits from personal experience. If you are not already familiar with the offering, head to https://hol.vmware.com and hit the Launch button, create a user account and get started.  Each lab is made up of multiple different lessons spanning most of the VMware software portfolio.

To get you started really quickly, I’ve put tougher this Hands-on Lab doc with step-by-step HOL instructions. Happy testing!

About the author:

Kevin is a Network and Security Technical Account Manager (TAM) at VMware. As a TAM, Kevin’s focus is helping customers overcome technical and operational challenges, in particular with regards to VMware’s portfolio of network and security solutions. Kevin’s favorite part of his role isthinking outside of the box to design and implement solutions using VMware products (including VMware NSX, VMware VeloCloud and VMware App Defense.) Certifications: VCA-NV, VCP3, VCP4, VCP5-DCV, VCP6-NV.  Kevin is also an active VMUG presenter and has been a regular Hands On Labs (HOL) captain for many years.