
FREE eLearning: VMware vCenter Infrastructure Navigator Fundamentals [V2.X] Available

New FREE eLearning VMware vCenter Infrastructure Navigator Fundamentals [V2.X] is now available.  This one hour course teaches you the main functions of vCenter Infrastructure Navigator including:

•  vCenter Operations Manager 5.0 vApp resource requirements and installation considerations;
•  vCenter Infrastructure Navigator virtual appliance architecture;
•  vCenter Infrastructure Navigator virtual appliance resource requirements;
•  vCenter Infrastructure Navigator virtual appliance installation considerations;
•  Tasks for deploying the vCenter Infrastructure Navigator virtual appliance;
•  Applying a license for vCenter Infrastructure Navigator;
•  Initial configuration tasks;
•  Using vCenter Infrastructure Navigator;
•  Steps for defining a custom service.

Register for VMware vCenter Infrastructure Navigator Fundamentals [V2.X] or check out other VMware FREE eLearning available in multiple languages.