
Certification SME Profile: Matt Vandenbeld, VCDX #107

Developing certification programs involves many different people working countless hours. We want to help you get to know some of the subject matter experts (SMEs) who dedicate their time to making VMware Certifications the best in the industry.

This month, we’re speaking with Matt Vandenbeld, VCDX #107.

How long have you worked in IT?
I have worked in IT for about 20 years now, wow that makes me feel old. Started in sales, then moved to technical very early on.

What do you think makes for a great testing experience?
The best test experience is to evaluate based upon real world knowledge requirements. Test people based upon the skills appropriate to each level of certification and the roles those certifications align.

Why did you get involved in the VMware Certification Contributor program?
I have benefited immensely from my certification level and wanted to give back to the program. I also felt there were some areas that I could assist in to help deliver excellent exams.

What is the most desirable facet of the program?
Learning. Every step along the way requires understanding of our products and solutions. You can learn outside of certification but there is no better way, in my opinion, to demonstrate that understanding than to achieve certifications.

How have you benefited from the program?
I would not have the job I have today without my level of certification. Period. It has enabled me to have a job I love and involvement in a fantastic community.