Customer Success VMware Success 360

VMware Success 360™ Proactive Support powered by VMware Skyline Advisor Pro

VMware Success 360™ is our highest tier of support services, and you may be curious about the value it can bring to your organization. VMware Success 360 is designed to help you continually realize value and achieve outcomes faster from your investments.

Be sure to read through to the end of this article to learn how you can take part in a special promotion!

VMware Success 360™ benefits

With VMware Success 360™, you get a comprehensive success offering that can guide you through all stages of your journey:

  • Success Planning provides personalized guidance to help you achieve outcomes faster.
  • Adoption Guidance and Workshops walk you through onboarding, adopting, consuming and optimizing your VMware technology.
  • Digital Learning empowers your team to gain new skills to accelerate your technology value realization.
  • Dedicated and Proactive Support, powered by Skyline, offers predictive issue prevention and fast, prescriptive problem resolution to maximize productivity and uptime.

I will focus on the “Dedicated and Proactive Support” benefit in this article. VMware Skyline Advisor Pro is a proactive intelligence SaaS tool that prevent issues before they occur. Using machine learning, Skyline proactively alerts you to potential issues in your environment and provides tailored remediation guidance so you can avoid the problems and associated downtime. This frees you from firefighting mode and enables you to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Skyline Advisor Pro grants access to all the proactive Findings and associated remediation steps. Additionally, Skyline Advisor Pro offers reactive support features, such as Log Assist, which enables you to automatically upload support log bundles to VMware Technical Support if an issue does arise. The VMware Success 360™ team provides additional services to help you get the most value from Skyline and keep your environment up and running. The team will work with you to prioritize critical issues and remediations, and assist with upgrade planning. You will also receive a monthly report summarizing any outstanding findings in your environment.

Skyline Advisor Pro Proactive Insights Report for VMware Success 360

Skyline Advisor Pro is the next level of proactive intelligence. It’s faster, smarter and easier to use than its predecessor, Skyline Advisor. In addition, Advisor Pro features in-depth Proactive Insights Reports, which are available exclusively to VMware Success 360™ customers and delivered by the VMware Success 360™ team.

Proactive Insights Reports enable VMware Success 360™ customers to:

  • Inform stakeholders on issues avoided and outstanding remediations
  • Leave comments and action items
  • Share the report with anyone in their cloud organizations
Inform stakeholders about proactive progress, issues avoided and outstanding remediations.

Like Skyline Advisor, Skyline Advisor Pro is included with Production Support, Premier Support, VMware Success 360™ and vRealize Cloud Universal subscriptions. Advisor Pro supports the same product set as Skyline Advisor.

Interactive Proactive Insights Report

Special promotion: Win like a pro

While getting Advisor Pro alone would make you a winner, we want to celebrate with a special giveaway for the first 100 activated customers. We’re giving away a limited edition VMware Skyline jacket. You’ll look cool, stay warm and make your coworkers jealous. What’s not to love?

Here’s how you enter:

1. Follow @VMwareSkyline on Twitter and use the hashtag #ImASkylinePro to engage with us.

2. Activate Skyline Advisor Pro. (Enable Auto-upgrade and the update is done for you!)

That’s it! It’s easy.

If you win, we’ll send you a DM with the details we need to send you your awesome new jacket.

Additional resources