Developing a certification exam takes a lot of work by a lot of different people. Our subject matter experts (SMEs) dedicate hours of their time to making VMware Certifications the best in the industry, so we thought our readers should get to know them like we do. Our first spotlight is going to be James Bowling, VCIX-DCV, VCIX-CMA, VCP-DTM.
How long have you worked in IT?
I have been in IT for around 20 years now in some form or fashion. Man, I am getting old…lol
What do you think makes for a great testing experience?
A great testing experience is made by the test creators and SMEs taking their time and paying attention to detail. As long as we have a firm understanding of the audience we need to write to then we can create a testing experience that is hard yet fair to the audience.
Why did you get involved in the VMware Certification Contributor program?
I honestly got involved with the contributor program because I felt I could help make a difference in the certification exams. After taking quite a few of them myself, I felt there were some things that needed to change and the only way to get that changed or make an impact was to help and contribute.
What is the most desirable facet of the program?
This may seem extremely cliche but, honestly, the sheer ability to expand your network and meet with others within the community looking to achieve a similar goal. Along with that is the simple fact that you are helping pave the way for the future of what it means to hold a VCP, VCAP, etc.
What have you gained from the program?
I have gained a numerous amount of respect for the process for producing these exams. I have also come away with many new friends from the program. And I have definitely come away with many more nicknames that were given to me which we will leave out of this!