
Online VCDX Workshop Pilot

VCDX merchI am excited to announce that we are going to pilot doing a full length VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX) Workshop online in roughly two weeks on April 7. Previously all of our VCDX Workshops have occurred at large VMUG UserCons along with both VMworlds. Sadly this model hasn’t allowed us to reach a larger audience due to people being unable to physically get there. A couple years back we did a couple half-length VCDX Workshops online that were listen only. While these were well attended, it lacked the interaction that made the in person workshops so successful.

In thinking about how to reach more people, I had the idea to pilot a new model of full length workshops online with smaller groups. In order to get the interaction that makes them so useful to the attendees, we will limit the number of registrants to 45.  This is so that true Q&A can happen without it becoming chaotic. On April 7 at 10AM EDT I am going to run the first one of these workshops for up to 45 people. If it is successful, I will be doing many more of these in the coming months.

If you are thinking about registering, for this first run I ask that you fit one of the following categories:

  • Have at least one VMware Certification and want to learn about the VCDX
  • Have decided you want to do the VCDX and would like to learn more
  • Are already down the path to submit your VCDX or have already submitted and want to try again
  • Can focus on the entire 4 hour session, won’t be multi-tasking, and come ready with questions
  • Fill out a short web survey at the end of the session

The reason I ask for the above is to make sure we get a good idea of the success of this pilot, I don’t want people half paying attention or the content does not apply to.

If you are interested, get registered here!  Remember, first come first serve for 45 people!

Details on the WebEx will be sent to all attendees after registration fills up.