
Videos on Storage and Compute SLAs and more now in the Learning Zone

221x125_learningzoneThe VMware Learning Zone video library added several new videos last month, including a new series on meeting the compute SLA. These videos are now fully available to all Premium and Standard subscribers to the VMware Learning Zone.

VMworld 2016 Recordings

  • An Overview for vSphere Core 4 Performance Troubleshooting: Jon Loux provides an overview on vSphere core 4 troubleshooting and the performance troubleshooting tool ESXi.
  • Transforming Day 2 Operations with vRealize Automation 7.0 Event Broker: Carl Paterik covers vRealize Automation 7.0 Event Broker concepts and explains the vRealize Automation extensibility history.
  • 10 Tips for Troubleshooting Horizon: Joe Cooper shares tips and tricks for Troubleshooting Horizon.
  • Troubleshooting Tips for Virtual SAN 6.2: Javier Menendez demonstrates troubleshooting Virtual SAN 6.2.
  • VMware NSX: Life After Deployment: Deploying NSX is the first step toward achieving the benefits it can offer. What comes next? This video covers role-based access control, organizational changes that will happen, and discuss operational and troubleshooting topics.