
Newest Additions to the Learning Zone Video Library

221x125_learningzoneVMware Learning Zone subscribers get one year of unlimited access to our cloud-based video training library taught by top VMware experts. Including all the latest  videos we release each month, like these:

    • In vRealize Operations: An Introduction and Overview, Ellis Paul guides you through an overview of vRealize Operations, including new functionality and upgraded UI features.
    • Mike Laverick goes Under the Hood of EVO:RAIL: Prerequisites, How EVO:RAIL Works in the first of this new series which includes guidance on helpful resources available to you, pre-requisites required by EVO:RAIL, and a thorough walk-through of how EVO:RAIL works..
    • Mike Laverick shares a technical deep-dive on EVO: RAIL in Under the Hood of EVO:RAIL: vSphere Environment, What’s Next For EVO:RAIL, including configuring EVO:RAIL, what changes to look for in vSphere once the EVO:RAIL configuration has been completed, and a sneak peek preview of features coming soon in EVO:RAIL.
  • Joerg Lew demonstrates advanced techniques you can use to customize input presentation and increase your workflow usability in vRealize Orchestrator Advance Techniques (Part 4 – Input Presentation).
  • Finishing up his series on advanced vRealize Orchestrator techniques with vRealize Orchestrator Advance Techniques (Part 5 – Dynamic Data Structures), Joerg Lew helps you understand advanced javascript techniques available in vRealize Orchestrator to create dynamic data structures, including: properties type, composite types, and the use of JSON.
  • In Integrating vRealize Automation and vRealize Orchestrator (Part 1), Alistair Sutherland demonstrates how to integrate vRealize Orchestrator with vRealize Automation and key tasks that must be accomplished correctly – with a specific focus on Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS) workflows built into vRealize Automation.
  • Integrating vRealize Automation and vRealize Orchestrator (Part 2) by Alistair Sutherland shows you how to integrate vRealize Orchestrator with vRealize Automation focusing on using vRealize Orchestrator to achieve Anything As A Service (XaaS).
  • Ellis Paul focuses on concepts and configuration of custom views for most effective use in dashboards in his new video vRealize Operations: Using Views with Custom Dashboards.

These videos are available NOW to anyone with an active VMware Learning Zone Standard or Premium subscription.

Want to be the first to know when new videos are released? Follow our #NewintheZone hashtag on Twitter.