
Embrace Your Inner Architect with Our New Design & Deploy Courses

buildingYou may be familiar with the VMware courses focused on giving you the skills needed to make the most of VMware products and technology, including Install, Configure, Manage, Optimize & Scale, and Troubleshooting.

Design & Deploy courses take your training and skills to a whole new level. These courses emphasize architecture, design, and deployment. We created them to help our customers and partners take greater control of their environments by providing a deeper dive into infrastructure, design principles, and deployment best practices.

Design decision making is at the heart of these courses. What are the critical factors you need to consider when creating a design that meets your organization’s evolving needs in terms of scalability, reliability, and performance? For example, how do you design for the most efficient use of storage and network resources? How do you plan for rapid growth or utilization spikes?

Early design decisions can have a dramatic impact on overall infrastructure effectiveness, so learning best practices is vital to your success.

Special Sauce: Direct Interactions with Your Industry Peers

Design & Deploy courses are instructor-led in a classroom setting, with a significant portion of time spent working in small groups. These lab exercises focus on how to best meet the needs of very specific infrastructure objectives.

You’ll gain invaluable design insights through deep discussions with fellow students. These interactive sessions enable teams to create and evaluate designs based on real world challenges. Working with other IT leaders gives you a better understanding of the challenges facing other organizations (which are often similar to yours) and imparts a broader knowledge of design considerations.

Your Design & Deploy Options

We currently have four Design & Deploy class offerings, each of which also helps prepare students for our VMware Certified Implementation Expert (VCIX) certification exams. (Note: If you see “Fast Track” in the class title, that means the course covers a higher amount of content and therefore is scheduled for ten-hour, rather than eight-hour, days.)

Are you ready to extend your expertise into system design? Have a look at our Design & Deploy courses: