
VMworld US – Day 3 Recap

Tuesday Sept 1


By Andy Troup

It was another highly rewarding day in the Operations Transformation track at VMworld today. If you missed Ed Hoppitt speaking about DevOps Transformation, be sure to find the recording (With your conference pass you have access to recordings to any sessions you might have missed within 24 hours—find them on the VMworld mobile app or vmworld.com). Another highlight of the day was a customer group discussion on the subject of Organizational Change. Customers shared their challenges with siloed organizations, internal resistance to role changes, and more. Discussion points also included the need to find change agents or champions within IT to lead the charge to a service model, the need for executive sponsorship, and the importance of formally updating performance requirements or MBO’s.

“Can’t miss” real-world insights coming out tomorrow:

ITaaS at the Boeing Co., a Federal agency hybrid cloud case study, VMware IT on their internal cloud journey, and SDDC best practices from our operations transformation principal architect Kevin Lees, who spends a majority of his time on-site with customers helping shape their transformation journeys.

  • 8:00 AM
    OPT 5232 Cloud Native Apps, MicroServices and Twelve-Factor Apps: What Do They Mean for your SDDC/Cloud Ops?
  • 9:00 AM
    OPT 5069 Enterprise Hybrid Cloud—a Federal Case Study (DoE customer presentation)
  • 11:00 AM
    OPT 5361 Best Practice Approaches to Transformation with the SDDC
  • 12:30 PM
    OPT5509 Building an Enterprise Hybrid Cloud Strategy and Operating Model
  • 2:00 PM
    OPT5793 Organizational Change Management and SDDC: Why Getting Your People and Processes Aligned are the Key Ingredient in Ensuring Maximum Value to You
  • 2:30 PM
    OPT 5972 80k VM’s and Growing: VMware’s Internal Cloud Journey Told by the People on the Frontlines
  • 3:30 PM
    OPT 4684 Engineers in the Cloud: the New Model of Data Center Operations (customer presentation)
  • 4:00 PM
    OPT 6227 Developing a new IT: How the Boeing Company IT Dept. is Empowering its Customers through Internal Cloud and Services (customer presentation)

See the VMworld mobile app to easily locate these sessions, and be sure to follow us on Twitter @VMwareCloudOps for all of the latest information coming out of VMworld!


Andy Troup is a Cloud Operations Architect with over 25 years of IT experience. He specializes in Cloud Operations and Technology Consulting Service Development. Andy is also a vCAP DCA and VCP. Andy possesses a proven background in design, deployment and management of enterprise IT projects. Previously, Andy co-delivered the world’s first and subsequent vCloud Operational Assessments (Colt Telecomm & Norwegian Government Agency) to enable the early adoption of VMware’s vCloud implementation.