
VMworld 2015 US Sneak Peek: Successful Virtual SAN Evaluation/Proof-Of-Concepts

Julienne_PhamBy Julienne Pham

This is the first in a series of previews of our VMware Professional Services speaking sessions at VMworld 2015 US starting August 30th in San Francisco. Our Technical Architects will present “deep-dive” sessions in their areas of expertise. Read these previews, register early and enjoy.

Sneak Peek of Session STO4572: Successful Virtual SAN Evaluation/Proof-Of-Concepts

This is an update to last year’s Virtual SAN proof-of-concept (POC) talk. A lot has changed in the last year, and the idea of this session is to fill you in on all the potential “gotchas” you might encounter when trying to evaluate VMware Virtual SAN.

Cormac Hogan, Corporate Storage Architect, and Julienne Pham, Technical Solution Architect of VMware, will cover everything you need to know, including how to conduct various failure scenarios, and get the best performance. Thinking about deploying Virtual SAN? Then this session is for you.

This session will share key tips on how to conduct a successful Virtual SAN proof-of-concept. It will show you how to correctly and properly set up a Virtual SAN environment (hosts, storage and networking), verify it is operating correctly, and then show you how to test the Virtual SAN full functionality. This session will also highlight how to verify that VM Storage Policies are working correctly, as they are an integral part of SDS and Virtual SAN.

We will also discuss how a Virtual SAN handles failures, and how to test if it is handling events correctly. In addition, it will cover numerous monitoring tools that can be used during a POC, such as the Ruby vSphere Console, VSAN, Observer Web-based analysis tools, and the new Virtual SAN Health Service plug-in. After attending this session, you will be empowered to implement your own Virtual SAN POC.

 Learn more at VMworld 2015 US in San Francisco

STO4572: Successful Virtual SAN Evaluation/Proof-Of-Concepts

Monday, Aug. 31, 8:30 – 9:30 AM


Cormac Hogan, Corporate Storage Architect, VMware

Julienne Pham, Technical Solution Architect, VMware

Julienne Pham is a Technical Solution Architect for the Professional Services Engineering team. She is specialised on SRM and core storage. Her focus is on VIO and BCDR space.