
Disaster Recovery and More Top Posts for Implementing VMware at SMBs

In Case You Missed It!

We know there are unique challenges when it comes to implementing enterprise IT at a small or mid-size business (SMB) — that’s why we’ve pulled together posts from the VMware blogosphere that we think might be useful to you: get tips and how-tos on VMware solutions, along with additional resources from an SMB perspective.

The Latest VMware Comic Book: Hero On Demand

VMware Superheroes are at it again! In the first VMware comic book, Gene the IT Manager, saved the day (and his company’s data) with vCloud Air Disaster Recovery. Now, Gene’s company plans to launch a new application in just two days, and he needs to find a cloud service to develop and replicate test environments quickly. Find out what happens in the second issue of our comic book series, “Hero On Demand”.

Why VMware is a Good Investment

Learn the value of VMware, broken down by cost. In this brief blog post, VMware Systems Engineer, Ivan Talley, debunks the argument that VMware is too expensive, and hints that remaining competitive will be more costly in the long run without VMware services and products.