
Why We do Beta Exams

You may have noticed that our recent VCP6-DCV certification announcement was a little different from in the past, namely that it is being released as a beta exam. We’ve always had beta versions of our exams, but this was the first time it was open to the public. So we wanted to explain a few things (in addition to the details you’ll find here). We do beta exams for a lot of reasons…

While beta exams are a good way to assess your expertise on VMware product/solutions, there are some significant differences between a beta exam and a production exam. Beta exams are used to “field test” questions. That means they may contain twice as many questions as a production exam and generally take about twice as long to complete. Because of the number of questions that are usually found in a beta exam, you may find that you do not have as much time to spend on each question as you would during a production exam.

Additionally, beta exam candidates are required to complete a brief, confidential survey describing their professional experience with the skills being tested. The survey results are kept entirely confidential. Candidates’ responses are compiled with the responses of other beta candidates and used to calibrate the exam “cut score”. Once the beta period comes to an end and post-beta analysis is conducted, a passing grade is determined.

One big thing to keep in mind is that you will not receive a score until the beta period is complete, the test results are analyzed, and a passing score is established. As a result, it may take up 8-10 weeks to receive your exam results from Pearson VUE.

When we score your exam, you will only be scored on the questions that are chosen for the production exam. And rest assured, passing a beta exam counts towards certification!

Please note that ALL Beta exams are proctored and delivered in Pearson Vue testing centers. Because Beta exams contain questions that are being field tested, these exams must be delivered in a controlled, proctored environment where no reference materials are permitted.

VMware Certification offers beta exams in most countries around the world. These exams are available to both new and existing certified VMware professionals and cost $50 USD.

All the best!
Paul D