
Introducing The New Official VCDX Directory

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For years now we’ve published a basic directory of all the VMware Certified Design Experts (VCDXs) in order to recognize them for the effort they have put in to achieve VCDX certification. Over time, as the number of VCDXs grew it became difficult for them to update their personal information. A few months ago we began working on a new directory and I’m happy to announce that the new Official VCDX Directory is now available at vcdx.vmware.com with a host of new features:

  • 100% Self Service for the VCDX Holder
  • Searching, Filtering, and Sorting
    • Filter by location, type and/or languages spoken
    • Sort results by name or VCDX number
    • Mentor Flag to identify community mentors
  • Completely re-designed and Hosted on vCloud Air

The goal of the directory is to give customers, partners, hiring managers, and the industry overall a way to validate who the VCDXs are around the world. We will be adding more information related to the VCDX program on the site, but first and foremost this will be the Official VCDX Directory.

If you are currently a VCDX, please review your information and make any needed updates so that it will be complete for everyone to reference.