
5 Questions I’m Asked about the VCDX Program All the Time

With the roll out of the new VCP recertification requirement, I have been getting some common questions about VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX) certification.  Simply stated people are curious if the VCDX expires.  The answer is in fact simple, but there are some other things to think about that some folks may not be aware of.

1) Does my VCDX Expire?

The short answer is, “No it does not.”  That being said, some people may or may not know that after VCDX3 the VCDX itself started taking on version numbers to align with the vSphere product releases. Currently for example, on VCDX-DCV, we are on VCDX5-DCV and eventually there will be VCDX6-DCV. With the other VCDX tracks they are will will be versioned as they move forward.  With VCDX-NV as an example it is new this year, so the next release will be another version.

2) Do I need to “Upgrade” my VCDX Version?

No, although it does not technically expire, there has always been a path to “upgrade” your version. As Duncan Epping pointed out to me, nobody “needs” to do anything. You can always stay with your current version, but if you want to upgrade you can. Technically speaking if you are a VCDX3-DCV, the products it was built on have been retired.  So it’s one thing to tell a customer “I’m a VCDX”, it’s another to tell them your VCDX is current. The decision is yours in the end.

3) So Then How Do I Upgrade My VCDX Version?

That is pretty simple.  All you actually need to do is sit and pass the VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP) Design exam in your subject area. For example with the VCDX-DCV if you are currently a version 4, you pass the VCAP5-DCD your VCDX version will be upgraded to version 5. You would not be required to take the VCAP5-DCA, but some people do just to stay sharp.

Even right now if you are a VCDX3-DCV and you sit for the current VCAP5-DCD test and pass you will in fact be upgraded to VCDX5-DCV and be current.  That’s not a bad deal if you think about it you just then maintain the VCDX3-DCV and VCDX5-DCV and you just on’t ever hold a VCDX4-DCV.

4) Should I Do my VCDX-DCV on 5 Or Wait For 6?

This is always a question as the versions start to look like they will cross over. I always recommend to people if you are down the road on 5, stick with it since there will always be a crossover period, but you’d need to be sure to apply for a defense while version 5 is still valid. Since I just explained how you upgrade if you obtained your VCDX5-DCV, when VCDX6-DCV is released you could upgrade by sitting for the exams. In the past, during the VCDX4-DCV and VCDX5-DCV transition a lot of people went this route.  If you have no design yet and you think you will not be applying for defense until 2016, then most certainly start down the VCDX6-DCV path when we announce the details.

5) If I Get Another VCDX Does my Number Change?

No, you still simply maintain your original number and now you can promote that you hold more than one VCDX.  Once you obtain your VCDX, your number is issued and you maintain that number for life. (I feel like I should insert some disclaimer about how these numbers are also not transferable, but I think we all know that.) The numbering is maintained in an ongoing fashion, so for me, I will always be VCDX #37.