
Why Do You Want To Get Your VCDX?

Add textI ask people all the time, “What makes you want to get your VCDX?”, and the answers certainly vary.  In some cases I get a blank stare back at me as if nobody asked the question before.  I think asking the question “Why” is not only important in the defense process as it relates to the design decisions you make, but equally as important in your decision to pursue your VCDX certification. Let me talk about a few reasons why I myself decided to get a VCDX and some other very good reasons why it’s something to strive for.  One thing I will say is that you should not treat this process as something you want to do for the wrong reasons: do it for the right ones.

Become a VCDX to Help Your Customers

When I decided to try and get my VCDX, the first thought I had was, “Cool. this will separate me from the pack,” but looking back that was really not the best way to look at it.  I’ve learned in recent months working on a project, that we need to engage more customers with the value of having a VCDX on a project.  No matter how many VCDX’s there end up being in the world over the coming years, it’s the customers out there that need our expertise. Customers have problems they need help solving, and in many projects the attitude, knowledge, and experience of a VCDX is what can help push them forward. I always see the VCDX role in a customer project as the “Field General” leading the other teams and providing the guidance for the best solution.

Become a VCDX to be a Better Leader

Talk to any VCDX holder and you will see that most if not all of them are leaders in their respective companies.  Being a VCDX is not just about your technical expertise, but once you achieve the certification you will become one of those leaders. You should accept this role, and cultivate it to help your company, customers, and peers following in your footsteps. You will quickly become looked up to by others that want to reach the same goal. Don’t think of it as being a “Rock Star” think about it as being a “Role Model” instead. Give back to the same community you came from and do your best to grow your leadership skills.

Become a VCDX to Help Your Employer

Many people decide to become a VCDX so they can find a better job or employer, when in fact many of those same people love the place they are. The challenge is simply getting your current company on board with the value of what it can do to help them. Having a VCDX on staff does help partners and separate them from other partners in their area. Many partners do see the value in you having a VCDX so they can market it to the customers. At the end of the day, it’s for you to discuss it with your employer and agree on the value so you can keep moving forward.

Determine Your Reasons for Getting VCDX

At the end of the day you will always have your reasons for striving to become a VCDX, and no matter what the reason I encourage you to go for it.  If you are unsure of your reasons, or you think they may be the wrong reasons, let me know and we can chat about it.  I’d love to help anyone feel like they are doing it for all the right reasons.