Over the last few months the VMware Certified Professional 5 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP5-DCV) Delta exam has proven to be a very popular route to certification for many in our certified community. While we thought most people would take advantage of this opportunity to recertify before the end of the year, we have received many requests to extend it.
We don’t want to see anyone lose their certification status, so to make it as easy as possible we are returning the VCP5-DCV Delta exam (exam code VCP550D) as an option for recertification for anyone who passed the VCP510 exam. The streamlined, online exam will be available through March 10, 2015.
If you had previously requested authorization, but not registered with PearsonVue, your authorization is still valid. If you have not yet requested authorization from VMware, you can do so here.
We strongly encourage you to recertify. Those who do not recertify will lose their certification and will be required to redo the certification path as a new candidates (including mandatory training). For more information, please review the policy.