
The New VCDX Advisory Council!

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I am very excited to announce something new that we are going to try to help us make better more informed decisions for all of us that are part of the VCDX community, known as the VCDX Advisory Council!

The small group of advisors will help the new Program Manager Karl Childs and I prioritize and decide on ideas coming to the program from all of you.  Some details on this new group of advisors is as follows:

If you have input or ideas you can not only come to Karl and myself, but also to one of these advisors if you know them well.  Our ultimate goal is to build COMMUNITY around the VCDX Program, current holders, and those aspiring to become a VCDX.  I have always believed in communication with every thing I do and this is no exception.

We have hand selected the first group based on their past and current involvement, and we needed to start quickly so there was no time to solicit every current VCDX.  The next selection round will have a process put in place for a VCDX to make their case to be an advisor.  Stay tuned for more updates to follow!  I will also note this is most likely not a permanent program, it’s intended to make the right decisions initially to keep the program scaling, but time will ultimately tell.