
Talking VCDX at VeeamON With vBrownBag

This week I was at the VeeamON conference for a few days and the vBrown Bag folks asked me to spend a few minutes talking about VCDX.  Emad Younis and I set it up as an interview which was interesting because he’s thinking about going for his VCDX.  I figured it would give him the chance to ask some questions of his own.

Based on part of the conversation, I added some more context with a blog post about Presenting the VCDX Value to Your Boss.  We touched on this as well as fear of the VCDX panelists in the video.

As always I wanted to thank vBrownBag for giving me some air time literally my first official week on the job.  I could not have asked for better support from the community so far.  I am hoping we get the chance to do many more of these to keep getting people interested in becoming a VCDX.