
Upcoming Webinar on VMware vCloud Automation Center

When properly understood, the vCloud Automation Center moves the task of delivering personalized IT services from a manual process to an automatic one. In our webinar on September 10th at 9am PDT, VCI and Senior Technical Instructor Jerry Davis will instruct participants on mastering:

  • The use case for the vCloud Automation Center architecture within today’s multivendor cloud environments
  • The process of building and provisioning blueprints that enable SLA-driven application performance
  • The purpose and practice of assembling vCloud Automation Center workflows
  • And more…

This live event is part of a FREE ongoing ViewPoint Webinar Series that provides you a glimpse of the shared in VMware training while helping you get the best performance out of VMware’s products, including data center virtualization, network virtualization, hybrid cloud, and the software defined data center. This webinar focuses on using the vCloud Automation Center to achieve business agility, personalization, infrastructure and application choice and overall department efficiency.

jerrydavis_85x90The instructor, Jerry Davis, has been with VMware for over 8 years. He also works as a Software Developer, System Administrator, and Technical Instructor. His certifications include VCP3, VCP4-DCV and VCP5-DCV.

What are you waiting for? Save your seat and register today!