
IT as a Service: Virtualization Is Only Part of the Puzzle

During VMworld last month, VMware released insights from its 2013 Journey to IT as a Service Survey, based on feedback from more than 1,000 CIOs and other IT decision makers.

The findings illuminate a growing revolution in how IT organizations are managed and perceived. As outlined in the study, IT organizations are progressing through three stages of transformation:

  1. IT Productivity: Capital expenditure savings through consolidation
  2. Business Productivity: Operating expenditure savings through automated management
  3. IT as a Service (ITaaS): Agile, strategic IT organization providing innovative, business-focused service delivery

As Gene Likins, director of Accelerate Americas, points out in this video, expanded, sophisticated virtualization provides big business benefits, but it’s not the whole story. Successful ITaaS organizations also transform their processes and organizational structures to support IT’s new role as a service provider and innovation center.