
VMware Cloud Compass Tool (powered by Alinean)

Author: Thomas Pisello, Alinean CEO and founder

It can be a challenge knowing which cloud solution is best for your particular workloads and business requirements: a private cloud, public cloud or hybrid solution?

To help you determine the best option, VMware worked with the business value experts at Alinean to create the VMware Cloud Compass Tool.

The VMware Cloud Compass Tool factors your unique workloads, budget goals, risk tolerance and desired business outcomes to provide a customized 3rd party recommendation as to the best cloud option for your unique requirements. The tool factors the most important elements to help guide your cloud decision, all in less than 10 minutes to complete.

Starting with a few simple questions about your company and workload requirements, the tool then provides:

  • A comparison of total cost of ownership (TCO) for various compute options, differentiating the costs for on-premise with public and private cloud options, tallying differences in CapEx, OpEx and business benefits.
  • An assessment of your Risk Tolerance, analyzing the importance of Availability, Governance and Compliance, Security and Privacy and Business Relationship Management in your selection of the right cloud platform.
  • An assessment of Results Expectations, determining how important Accessibility, Business Responsiveness, Scalability and Cost & Accounting is to the cloud decision.

Based on the workloads, TCO, risk and results assessments the tool delivers an online summary of the recommendation results; with an overview of the right cloud recommendation based on your unique factors and requirements.

For a more detailed view, a complimentary customized white paper can be downloaded and shared with your team, personalized for your specific workloads, budget, risk tolerance, desired business outcomes, and most importantly, cloud recommendations.

For a quick introduction to the VMware Cloud Compass, watch the short video below with VMware Accelerate Advisory Services Benchmark Practice lead Craig Stanley, and you can read Craig’s recent blog, The 3 Rules for Making Confident IT Decisions, for a deep dive on VMware’s risk analysis methodology.

Access the VMware Cloud Compass to determine the best cloud solution for your workload and business requirements.


Craig Stanley is the Benchmarking Practice Lead for VMware Accelerate Advisory Services. You can follow him @benchmarkguru and Thomas Pisello @tpisello on Twitter.

If you’re at VMworld San Francisco today, stop by the VMware Accelerate Advisory Services demo booth in the Solution Exchange, and meet Craig in person!