
How CIOs Are Creating Business Transformation

Cloud computing is an efficient, flexible and cost-effective way to help an organization transform its business. But how do you manage the transition? Adam Burns speaks with Rob Jenkins, Director of VMware’s Accelerate Advisory Services EMEA, to find out. In this two-part video series, Adam Burns speaks with Rob Jenkins, Director of VMware Accelerate Advisory Services EMEA, about increasing business agility and how CIOs can manage the transition to cloud computing.

Part 1 – How CIOs are adding value across the business

Part 2 – CIOs as demonstrable value creators

VMware Accelerate Advisory Services help address the challenges of moving strategically to the next generation IT by predicting and defining the many impacts to your organization, as well as providing architectural knowledge and operational strategies. Visit our Web site to learn more about our services, or reach out to us today at: [email protected] for more information.

To continue the conversation with Rob Jenkins, join VMware’s exclusive CxO Corner Facebook page for access to hundreds of verified CxOs sharing ideas around IT transformation. Click and “ask to join group.” Follow Rob on Twitter

Video courtesy of MeetTheBoss TV. Find more CIOs discussing their thoughts on cloud computing, along with a range of other topics at the MeetTheBoss CIO Insight channel.