
Announcing the VCAP5-DCA Exam

We're happy to announce today that the VMware Certified Advanced Professional on vSphere 5 for Datacenter Administration (VCAP5-DCA) exam is now available, giving VCP5s a way to demonstrate your expertise with VMware vSphere 5, as well as your ability to use automation tools and implement virtualized environments.

The VCAP5-DCA exam is a unique, lab-based exam where you will perform tasks using actual equipment to verify your skill at installing, configuring, and administering large and complex virtualized environments. 

There is no course requirement to earn your VCAP5-DCA certification, however our new VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V5.0] course can help you prepare for the topics covered on the exam. This five-day course teaches you advanced skills for configuring and maintaining a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure.