
Skylake Update – Oracle Database Performance on vSphere 6.5 Monster Virtual Machines

We were able to get one of the new four-socket Intel Skylake based servers and run some more tests. Specifically we used the Xeon Platinum 8180 processors with 28 cores each. The new data has been added to the Oracle Monster Virtual Machine Performance on VMware vSphere 6.5 whitepaper. Please check out the paper for the full details and context of these updates.

The generational testing in the paper now includes a fifth generation with a 112 vCPU virtual machine running on the Skylake based server. Performance gain from the initial 40 vCPU VM on Westmere-EX to the Skylake based 112 vCPU VM is almost 4x.

The performance gained from Hyper-Threading was also updated and shows a 27% performance gain from the use of Hyper-Threads. The test was conducted by running two 112 vCPU VMs at the same time so that all 224 logical threads are active. The total throughput from the two VMs is then compared with the throughput from a single VM.

My colleague David Morse has also updated his SQL Server monster virtual machine whitepaper with Skylake data as well.