
VMmark Review Panel Convenes

Those of you who follow VMmark know that there are currently more than forty benchmark results from our partners posted on the VMmark Results Page . All of these results have been carefully reviewed by VMware to ensure compliance with the benchmark run and reporting rules. It has been very gratifying to see VMmark embraced and used so widely. Of course we try not to rest on our laurels and constantly seek opportunities to improve the utility of the benchmark.

As of December, the benchmark review process will be enhanced. A VMmark Review Panel comprised of several of our partners has recently been formed in order to provide additional rigor and transparency to the benchmark reviews. The founding members of the review panel are AMD, Dell, and HP, in addition to VMware. (We hope to add more partners soon.) I am delighted to welcome them to the review panel and thank them for showing their support for VMmark by devoting resources to this effort. This broader and more open review process will produce an even greater level of confidence in the accuracy and compliance of published results. Please see the VMmark Review Panel Guidelines for more information.