
One Day Tutorial on VMware Performance Tuning and Monitoring for ESX

Heads up for those interested in understanding VMware performance in more details — I’m running my performance and tuning of VMware ESX server class at Usenix LISA again this November in San Diego.   The session is on Friday, November 14, and is an all-day class.

Given our obsession with things that go fast, the track code "F1" is most appropriate 😉

Who should attend:
Anyone who is involved in planning or deploying virtualization on
VMware ESX and wants to understand the performance characteristics of
applications in a virtualized environment.

We will walk through the implications to performance and capacity
planning in a virtualized world to learn about how to achieve best
performance in a VMware ESX enviroment.


Take back to work: How to plan, understand, characterize, diagnose, and tune for best application performance on  VMware ESX.

Topics include:

    • Introduction to virtualization
    • Understanding different hardware acceleration techniques for virtualization
    • Diagnosing performance using VMware performance tools, including esxtop
    • Diagnosing performance using guest OS tools in a virtual environment
    • Practical limits and overheads for virtualization
    • Storage performance
    • Network throughput and options
    • Using Virtual-SMP
    • Guest Operating System Types
    • Understanding the characteristics of key applications, including Oracle, MS SQLserver, and MS Exchange
    • Capacity planning techniques

Sign-up is via the Usenix registration site.

Please comment if you have additional ideas and topics that you want to have covered, and I’ll do my best to incorporate them into the content.

I’ll post further updates in my blog
