Applicatie Modernisatie

Modern businesses require modern applications

In the digitally-led business environment where the concept of work anywhere has become a reality, companies must rethink their approach to how they leverage applications across operations. Recent VMware research has found that whether it is improving the customer experience or growing revenue, the golden thread tying everything together is a modern app portfolio.

According to the research findings, 71% of EMEA business leaders believe CEOs and executive leadership positions should be filled by people with technology career backgrounds, such as app or software development. It stands to reason that those with an inherent knowledge of technology and understanding of how apps can help them adapt to any market condition and shape future business performance and resiliency, will be the leaders most capable of affecting change.

This entails bringing the ‘know-how’ of innovative technology and thinking to the boardroom agenda. Those organisations open to this will be able to adapt, innovate, and excel at delivering an exceptional customer experience resulting in improved business performance using more relevant (and modern) apps.

Elevating technology team members into leadership roles drive significant value for the organisation. The VMware research shows that half of respondents highlight improved business efficiency across the business because of this change, while 42% recognised increased business performance, 40% greater innovation potential, and 37% better customer experience.

App-driven environment

Of course, having technology leaders in place is just one piece of the puzzle. The other is knowing how to use modernised apps to help define the customer experience. This understanding is critical especially in a work from anywhere environment where apps have become critical in helping companies deliver on customer expectations.

VMware has found that 88% of global executives believe enhancing app portfolios will improve the customer experience, which is directly tied to revenue growth. Furthermore, 80% of EMEA app developers and tech leaders believe that without successfully modernising apps, companies will be unable to deliver on the expectation for a more innovative customer experience.

But this new app-driven environment is about more than just improving customer satisfaction. Companies have embracing developing next-generation apps to drive broader business resilience and responsiveness during a time of significant disruption and fast-moving changes in market conditions. Our research shows that 57% of respondents highlighted how modernised apps have enabled employees to work from anywhere.

Business resilience

Today, the role of technology is taking centre stage to transform companies. This equips them with an enabling environment where they can have the relevant skillsets, expertise, and perspective at the boardroom table.

With this in place, the right digital tools and infrastructure can be rolled out that supports this business evolution. In turn, companies can attract, engage, and retain both customers and employees to optimise performance and resilience.

This does not mean that companies should needlessly complicate existing processes. Instead, it is finding the balance to support and modernise legacy apps while adopting new cloud native app practices. IT departments must therefore rethink how to deliver this securely in a multi-cloud world.

To accelerate the pace of innovation, it is about simplifying operations and management. A digital foundation that enables businesses to create, run, manage, connect, and intrinsically protect any apps, across any cloud, and deliver to any device, simply and at speed will be the key to success.