Ron Fuller

Ron Fuller
Ron Fuller is a Staff Engineer in the Network and Security Business Unit (NSBU) focused on NSX for VMware. He has 21 years of experience in the industry and has held certifications from VMware including VCIX-NV, Novell, HP, Microsoft, ISC2, SNIA, and Cisco including two CCIEs No. 5851 (Routing and Switching/Storage Networking). His focus is working with customers to address their challenges with comprehensive end-to-end Data Center architectures and how they can best utilize VMware technology to their advantage. He is a co-author of the VMware Press NSX Fundamentals LiveLessons video series in addition to other networking publications and topics. He lives in Ohio with his wife and four wonderful children and enjoys travel and auto racing. He can be found on Twitter @ccie5851.

Posts By: Ron Fuller