Cross-Cloud Services Multi-Cloud Infrastructure Multi-Cloud Management

The Multi-Cloud Expedition Episode 6 – Modernizing Your Datacenter for Multi-Cloud

There can be no doubt we are living in a multi-cloud world. That world isn’t just public clouds but also traditional, on-premises datacenters. Efficiency requires even traditional datacenters to function like, and have capabilities of, public clouds. And true success requires those capabilities to be consistent across on-premises and multiple public clouds.

How can you modernize your traditional datacenter to succeed in the multi-cloud universe? Join us on the Multi-Cloud Expedition – a Livestream series airing on LinkedIn every month leading up to VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas. On the Multi-Cloud Expedition, we’re bringing together industry and VMware subject matter experts to discuss and demo solutions to the most pressing multi-cloud challenges today. 

In this sixth episode of The Multi-Cloud Expedition, we’ll discuss the benefits of extending a cloud operating model from on-premises through public cloud providers. The flexibility provided with consistent infrastructure and tools across all environments, increasing scalability and visibility while avoiding lock-in.

Host Alexander Romero, Senior Director of Cross-Cloud Services at VMware, will lead the discussion covering these topic areas: 

  1. Increased efficiency and visibility across networks.
  2. Keeping current while overcoming skills gaps.
  3. Flexible consumption models.

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The Multi-Cloud Expedition Episode 6 – Modernizing Your Datacenter for Multi-Cloud Recap

Chapter Segments:

0:00 – Host Welcome, Alexander Romero, Sr. Director Cross-Cloud Services: What is the Multi-Cloud Expedition? Customer Journey from cloud first to cloud smart.

2:45 – Recap of episodes 1-5 & overview of this episode: Modernizing your datacenter for multi-cloud.

4:57 – Industry Expert Intro: David Linthicum, Chief Cloud Strategy Officer Deloitte Consulting

Book: An Insider’s Guide to Cloud Computing

6:56 – Spending 2.5x on operations in the cloud vs. on premises due to lack of central, common strategy. Hitting the chaos wall.

11:10 – 6 vision areas: App development; Management with cost; Infrastructure consistency (on-prem, cloud & edge); Security; End-user access; Data.

14:38 – Need guardrails, not mandates; make sure everyone agrees and can adhere to commonalities while innovating. Ex: Meta or Super Cloud.

19:58 – Operations model and culture to ensure ROI of multi-cloud.

24:21 – SME Intro: Rick Walsworth, Director Product Marketing, VMware

27:21 – Top 3 pain points getting to a cloud operating model: Efficient Operations; Rapid Innovation; Flexible Consumption.

30:45 – Multi-cloud success through extended cloud model with VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF).

34:14 – Demo: One tool to manage infra on premises and in clouds: Aria Operations

38:50 – Migrating apps with updated architecture and DevOps models built into vSphere with Tanzu.

41:08 – Automation for developers while leveraging existing vm admins’ skill for rapid innovation.

43:05 – Demo: VMware Cloud Foundation with Tanzu where cloud admins support developers deploying their own conformant Kubernetes clusters via command line.

46:09 – Same operational model and developer experience on prem and in public clouds.

48:57 – Cloud model on prem with flexible consumption including licensing, bursting capacity, and new service use real-time.

51:37 – Demo: Consuming VMware Cloud Disaster Recover (VCDR) on-demand with VCF. More on VCDR available in Episode 4.

54:34 – Q&A – How can someone get started with VCF and setup their own lab? Check out the VCF Holodeck Toolkit.

56:15 – Q&A – Can you please elaborate a little about 2.5x cost. for ex. what are the sources of costs?

59:48 – Wrap up: Today’s topic review; Look for our next episode on Simplified Kubernetes Management.  Great Cross-Cloud Services content planned for VMware Explore Las Vegas.

The Multi-Cloud Expedition Livestream Series Continues 

Monthly from February to VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas this year, we’re gearing up for a new edition of the Multi-Cloud Expedition. Wondering what’s next? Here’s what we’re planning (subject to change): 

  1. February 22: Increasing Developer Velocity
  2. March 21: Fundamentals of Cost, Observability and Security
  3. April 19: Advanced Strategies for Governance and Security
  4. May 10: Resilience Against Ransomware Attacks
  5. May 31: Challenges of Mergers and Acquisitions
  6. June 28: Modernization Your Datacenter for Multi-Cloud
  7. July 26: Simplified Kubernetes Management
  8. & 9. August 21 & 23: Top 10 Multi-Cloud Challenges at VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas