Cross-Cloud Services Multi-Cloud Management

Multi-Cloud Expedition Livestream Episode 2: Fundamentals of Cost, Observability and Security

In today’s multi-cloud world, we often find ourselves with multiple tools and processes for cloud operations, making it challenging to view infrastructure holistically or be efficient in day-to-day tasks.

How can you address these challenges and others like them in the multi-cloud universe? Join us on the Multi-Cloud Expedition – a Livestream series airing on LinkedIn monthly leading up to VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas. On the Multi-Cloud Expedition, we’re bringing experts from across VMware to discuss and demo solutions to the most pressing multi-cloud challenges today.  

In the second episode of The Multi-Cloud Expedition, we’ll focus on the fundamentals of cloud operations – cost, observability, and security. Through product demonstrations and conversations with VMware Subject Matter Experts, we’ll show how to get a complete picture of your cloud costs, observe and troubleshoot issues with your infrastructure, and automate security for cloud-native applications. 

Host Alexander Romero, Senior Director of Cross-Cloud Services at VMware, will lead the discussion, covering these topic areas: 

  1. Getting visibility into the cost of your entire multi-cloud environment
  2. True observability, beyond infrastructure to applications
  3. Security automation for your cloud-native resources 

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Multi-Cloud Expedition Linkedin Live

Multi-Cloud Expedition Episode 2 – Fundamentals of Cost, Observability and Security Recap

Recording available on Linked In. Or YouTube with chapter segment details:

0:00 – Start

0:27 – Recap and today’s focus – What is the Multi-Cloud Expedition, multi-cloud and ‘cloud chaos’?

1:48 – SME intro: Rachna Srivastava, Director of Product Marketing, Tanzu Observability

2:40 – The challenge: visibility to an environment with both cloud native and traditional applications plus siloed tools.

4:32 – Creation of IT center of excellence: combined team needing a holistic view for faster root cause.

5:22 – Siloed tools and being a swivel chair admin – how do you triangulate information?

6:02 – Product Demo – Aria Operations. An application is slow, where do you start to find the problem. Enter Aria Operations and its integration with Aria Operations for Applications. 

11:45 – Root Cause analysis no longer just viewing infrastructure but all areas without handoff delays.

13:12 – Product Demo – Aria Operations for Applications. Further investigation: Not a typical IT Ops issue so look to the application from the same tool. 

17:48 – What does good look like when setting up a center of excellence and getting a holistic view. MELT: Metrics, Events, Logs and Traces.

20:12 – Capacity planning. Monitoring resource and cloud usage, even by K8s cluster, for management and visualization efficiencies.

23:01 – Cost – understanding not just total cloud costs but by components and application.

23:24 – SME intro: Lucas Paratore, Senior Product Line Manager Cloud Health

24:27 – Developing costs and governance best practices with visibility and automation. Unit Economics.

26:10 – Financial as part of DevSecOps = FinOps. Understanding costs in context of how an application runs. 

27:43 – Product Demo – Aria Cost powered by CloudHealth. Start understanding costs in a multi-cloud environment. 

35:51 – Shifting left; having cost be a consideration earlier in the dev cycle as is happening with security.

38:02 – Creating Unit Economics with cloud costs through SaaS licenses, labor costs, etc.

40:00 – Show ROI improvements through unit or app cost reduction even when cloud costs increase.

41:21 – Product Demo – Aria Cost powered by CloudHealth. Fundamentals of security out of the box with Cloud Health. 

43:22 – Everyone is responsible for security. More to come in future episodes!

44:38 – Q&A: Suggestions around costs of sandboxes or Dev and how tagging can help?

46:27 – Leveraging thresholds – The Aria Suite is VMware’s future for complete visibility and management. 

48:51 – Q&A: Does Aria Operations for Applications support open source?

50:06 – Q&A: As log sizes change daily how to understand the effect?

50:58 – Q&A: Why are customers starting to setup Cloud Economics teams?

52:37 – Wrap up. Look to the next episode for more around multi-cloud operations and especially security.

The Multi-Cloud Expedition Livestream Series Continues 

Monthly from February to VMware Explore Las Vegas this year, we’re gearing up for a new edition of the Multi-Cloud Expedition. Wondering what’s next? Here’s what we’re planning (subject to change): 

  1. February 22: Increasing Developer Velocity
  2. March 21: Fundamentals of Cost, Observability and Security
  3. April 19: Advanced Strategies for Governance and Security
  4. May 10: Resilience Against Ransomware Attacks
  5. May: Challenges of Mergers and Acquisitions
  6. June: Modernization Your Datacenter for Multi-Cloud
  7. July: Simplified Kubernetes Management
  8. August: Top 10 Multi-Cloud Challenges at VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas