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vRealize Operations and vSAN licensing with new 6.7 release

vRealize Operations and vSAN Licensing Details

I will be covering who gets what in terms of licensing for vRealize Operations, vSAN, and joint customers with the launch of vRealize Operations 6.7 and vSAN 6.7. VMware recently announced the launch of vRealize Operations within vCenter.


vRealize Operations within vCenter

vRealize Operations within vCenter provides provides 6 dashboards: Giving insights but not actions. Actions are only available with full edition of vRealize Operations/vRealize Operations Advanced. vRealize Operations within vCenter provides global operations view powered by vRealize Operations all within vCenter.

  • vSAN specific health checks & operations Dashboards. Consolidated view of key vSAN data
  • Multi-vSAN Cluster Views.  View sum totals, and cluster-specific vSAN details
  • Capacity Overviews.  Easily show capacity utilization history
  • Quick-view vSAN KPI graphs. History of critical metrics including IOPS, throughput and latency
  • Ability to Launch to full vRealize Operations within vCenter. Seamlessly transition to fully enabled Self-Driving Operations




vRealize Operations within vCenter provides the initial operations management natively for vSphere and vSAN within vCenter and the initial journey to full realization of Self-Driving Operations with vRealize Operations.



Overall Entitlement and Licensing for vRealize Operations and vSAN customers

For vRealize Operations Only Customers

vRealize Operations with vCenter available to ALL vRealize Operations customers (Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise and via vRealize/vCloud Suite)

  • vRealize Operations within vCenter should be considered a feature of vRealize Operations

vRealize Operations within vCenter s will populate 6 dashboards in vCenter and 2 of these are vSAN specific

For vRealize Operations customers that do not have vSAN

  • Entitled to a subset of vRealize Operations within vCenter with vSphere data
  • The 2 vSAN specific dashboard will not show because there is no vSAN data

For vSAN Only Customers

Only vSAN Advanced and Enterprise will unlock vRealize Operations within vCenter with 6 dashboards

To enable for vSAN (Advanced/Enterprise) only customers (without vRealize) steps: 

  1. Click on vRealize Operations icon in vCenter
  2. Enter vSAN license key
  3. vRealize Operations will download and install silently in the background
  4. All 6 vRealize Operations within vCenter dashboards in will always be available for vSAN
  5. vSAN customers will receive a 60 day eval of full vRealize Operations.
  6. Customers will receive full up notice on the 60 day trial
  7. After the 60 day trial, the vSAN customers have the option to purchase vRealize Operations Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise for Full spectrum vSAN management: Centralized visibility of vSAN across multiple vCenters along with actionable alerts. Learn more about vSAN/HCI management with vRealize Operations with this solution overview.
  8. If the vSAN customer does not purchase they will still have access to the vRealize Operations within vCenter 6 dashboard but will only have insights but not actions.

Joint or vRealize Operations and vSAN Customers

vRealize Operations Advanced/Enteprise + vSAN:

  • Entitled to all the vRealize Operations within vCenter dashboards and all of Realize Operations Advanced capabilities, including the 4 vSAN specific advanced dashboards within vRealize Opereations

vRealize Operations Standard (including vSphere with Operations Management) + vSAN:

  • Entitled to vRealize Operations within vCenter dashboards and vRealize Operations Standard capabilities, where vRealize Operations Standard only includes 1 vSAN specific overview dashboard