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Key Findings From Our 2020 Cloud Management Maturity Assessment

Discover the key findings from our 2020 Cloud Management Maturity Assessment, where we examine the cloud strategy and cloud management maturity among hundreds of cloud customers, based on cloud financial management, operations, and security and compliance business practices.

In July 2020, we launched our Cloud Management Maturity Assessment, an online tool designed to help you measure your organization’s cloud management strategy against our framework. Over the past six months, the assessment has been taken by more than one thousand people worldwide, and from those responses, we have cleaned and analyzed the data to comprise a key findings report of nearly 800 responses.

How does the assessment work?

The Cloud Management Maturity Assessment is based on a brief survey, in which you can select and measure against one or more of the key areas of excellence (cloud financial management, operations, and cloud security and compliance). By completing the assessment, you get a report that shows how your results compared to those of other respondents in the same industry, as well as best practice recommendations to help you move to the next phase.

What were the key findings?

The results were fairly consistent with what we found in our initial findings (based on a sample size of 300 respondents), regarding their demographic profile, cloud strategy, and overall placement in the visibility phase. In this report, however, we deep dive into each question of the assessment, to better determine why the majority of respondents are still in the visibility phase of maturity.

In the figure below, you can see the percentage of respondents that landed in each phase of maturity across the three areas. Note that the percentages are based on the number of respondents who participated in that category, with each column totaling 100%. For example, the 78.66% visibility in financial management is based on the 506 people who assessed their maturity in that area.

cloud management maturity assessment key findings

By analyzing the series of questions within each area of excellence, we’ve identified the following key findings:

  1. From the data, we can conclude that respondents appear to be more mature in cloud financial management than the other areas of excellence. 
  2. More than 50% of respondents under cloud operations indicated that they either don’t have a tagging strategy at all, or that they have one defined, but it’s not strictly followed. 
  3. The majority of respondents to the cloud security and compliance questions do not have real-time insight into security events, changes, and risks, the ability to visualize resource configurations and relationships between resources, or an understanding of security trends, including history and progress in reducing risks.

Where to go from here?

Download the full report to better understand common cloud challenges and initiatives, where your peers are in their cloud management maturity, the recommended best practices, and our scoring methodology. 

You can also take the assessment for yourself to see personalized results. Get started today!