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Big News At CloudHealth Technologies

By now most of you have heard the news: VMware, whose software powers the world’s most complex digital infrastructure, announced their intent to purchase CloudHealth Technologies. This announcement is the result of months of discussions that started as a partnership and resulted in the announcement made today. For much of the last two decades, VMware has been the most important provider of infrastructure & technology in our industry, and its acquisition of CloudHealth Technologies will add delivery of consistent operations across clouds to its portfolio.

To all CloudHealth employees

As founder and CTO of CloudHealth Technologies, it has been an amazingly rewarding journey that brought us here. Most of the stories of successful technology companies can be distilled down to this: entrepreneur, idea, and success. Unfortunately this narrative grossly oversimplifies a fundamental reality in startups: while an entrepreneur can start a company by themselves, they cannot build a successful business without a team of equally committed individuals. CloudHealth Technologies is no exception. I have been surrounded over the years by many great people, who to this day I call my “real investors.” While they did not supply capital, they gave me something I value even more: their passion, their time, and their commitment. To all of you, I would like to say – thank you. I also would like to thank Tom Axbey, our fearless leader, who was instrumental in every part of this opportunity. It is always great to have a bloke from Croydon in your corner.

To our loyal customers

To our customers, I can say with conviction: you have been deeply considered at every phase of this decision. We would not be announcing this partnership if we were not convinced that it was right for you. I have said countless times internally at CloudHealth Technologies: there is no path to success that does not flow through our customers. You are the reason we exist, and your success is paramount to ours. I was gratified to learn early on in our discussions that VMware and CloudHealth Technologies share a most important strand of corporate DNA: customer-first. As part of VMware, we will be able to serve you better and offer you a richer set of choices to support your business transformation in the cloud. For those of you who will be attending our first user conference, CloudHealth Connect18, I look forward to talking with you further about what’s next.

To the future, and beyond

While I’m proud of all we accomplished over these last several years, I’m also very aware that today is a milestone for CloudHealth Technologies and not a destination. After the excitement, congratulations, and celebrations of this event are in the rear-view mirror, executing on our vision is still the priority. On behalf of the CloudHealth Technologies, I know we’re up for the challenge – and, we’re excited to have the opportunity to do this within the VMware family.

For more information

CloudHealth Blog: VMware Announcement: A Message From CloudHealth CEO Tom Axbey – By Tom Axbey, Chief Executive Officer, CloudHealth Technologies

Official VMware Press Release: VMware Announces Intent to Acquire CloudHealth Technologies, a Global Platform for Multi-Cloud Operations

VMware Blog: Multi-Cloud Without Robust Operations is Like a Racecar Driver Without a Support Team!By Raghu Raghuram, Chief Operating Officer, Products and Cloud Services, VMware

VMware Blog: Breaking: Intent to Acquire CloudHealth Technologies to Provide Multi-Cloud Operations at Global Scale By Shekar Ayyar, Executive Vice President, Strategy and Corporate Development & GM Telco NFV Group, VMware