vRealize Suite vRealize Operations

Dell EMC’s IT Transformation With vRealize

When most people think about Dell EMC and VMware, they think about the long-standing partnership between the two companies. But what people may not expect, is that Dell EMC IT is one of VMware’s largest customers and a showcase for a comprehensive, global deployment of the vRealize Cloud Management Suite. http://www.vmware.com/products/vrealize-suite.html

During the past year, we have had the opportunity to partner with Paul DiVittorio, senior director of cloud infrastructure for Dell EMC https://www.linkedin.com/in/pdivittorio and his team to further accelerate their journey to the automated hybrid cloud. Dell EMC deployed VMware vRealize Suite to automate and manage its new hybrid cloud infrastructure and deliver IT as a service, including self-service provisioning that rivals third-party cloud provider offerings.

While Dell EMC has a “Dell Technologies First” initiative to sourcing products, they are also able to evaluate options that best meet the needs of their 70,000 internal customers around the globe. After careful evaluation Dell EMC deployed the full vRealize Suite, including vRealize Business for Cloud, Automation, Operations and Log Insight. Dell EMC is also in the process of evaluating vRealize Network Insight, to address management of their NSX environment.



The scale of Dell EMC brought special challenges to the deployment. Dell EMC’s 70,000 internal customers are located across the globe, requiring the 24/7 management of seven data centers. In addition, Dell EMC is running close to 20,000 virtual machines and stores more than 40 petabytes of data.

As with many global organizations, Paul and his team were under tremendous pressure to find a way to manage an environment that has grown by a factor of 100 in the past few years, without adding additional headcount. During our initial meetings with Paul and his team, they were very clear about their goals:

  1. Support an IT-as-a-service environment.
  2. Automate manual IT tasks and service provisioning.
  3. Reduce time to provision new services from 45 days.

The results of Dell EMC’s deployment have been substantial:

  1. Reduction time to provision a new service from 45 days to a single day.
  2. Improvements in workload placement, troubleshooting, and capacity planning to optimize utilization by 80 percent.
  3. The ability to charge back 90 percent of operational expenses to enable better decisions about future technology investments.

I would like to thank Paul and his team for their continuing partnership, and their feedback which has helped evolve our roadmap to the benefit of all VMware vRealize customers. Because of the Dell EMC IT team, we are driving hard to further integrate operations and automation into an even more powerful cloud management solution.

To learn more about EMC IT’s Cloud Management journey, please check out the new video and customer story and customer brief.