
Cloud Management Platform – Take the Forrester Cloud Journey Assessment

Forrester Cloud Journey AssessmentWhere is your firm on the cloud management journey? What challenges should you look out for, and how do you take the next step?

Take this two-minute virtualization and cloud journey self-assessment to find out.

Most IT organizations still desire higher levels of virtualization than they have today.

78% plan to grow their virtualized infrastructure in the next year.

To learn more about how you can accelerate your virtualization and cloud journey, check out the Forester Cloud Maturity Study and the Forrester infographic.

The challenges they face and capabilities they need to grow their virtualized infrastructure vary, depending on the level of maturity and automation of their virtualization efforts.
VMware commissioned Forrester Consulting to create this virtualization and cloud journey self-assessment tool. The customized results and recommendations will provide insights into potential challenges and technology solutions you should consider along your journey. Please answer each question to the best of your ability. There are no right or wrong answers.

Take this cloud journey self-assessment today to find out more.