Content Packs Log Analytics Log Insight vRealize Operations Insight

OpenStack: Demystifying OpenStack logs using vRealize Log Insight

The VMware Integrated OpenStack (VIO) team is happy to announce the availability of the OpenStack content pack for Log Insight! The content pack features 11 dashboards, 56 widgets in an easy to understand, visual representation on how well operationally, the OpenStack setup is working.


An OpenStack setup usually consists of a very (large) pool of compute, storage and network resources. One of the biggest challenges for OpenStack administrators is monitoring these stacks and analyzing logs for anomaly and problem detection. The OpenStack Log Insight Content Pack gives operators and administrators a powerful tool to monitor their OpenStack setup and is the log monitoring product for the VMware Integrated OpenStack (VIO) solution.

OpenStack VIO Compute (Nova) supports the VMware vSphere product family. The VMware vCenter drivers enable the nova-compute service to communicate with VMware vCenter servers that manage the ESXi host clusters. The VMware virtual disk driver enables the management of the OpenStack Block Storage volumes on vCenter managed data stores.

Datacenter networks contain many devices – servers, network equipment, storage systems and security appliances. OpenStack Networking (Neutron) allows for a pluggable, scalable and API-driven system for managing networks and IP addresses. Object Storage offers a cost effective, scale-out storage that allows for a fully distributed storage platform that is API-accessible and can be integrated directly into applications for backup, archiving and data retention.


OpenStack Log Insight Error Dashboard
Log Insight Error Dashboard For OpenStack

OpenStack + Log Insight

Using the powerful log analytics and graphing capabilities of Log Insight, an administrator can see trends and issues as well as trigger alerts on specific events of interest. Having different OpenStack component’s events logged in the same tool allows an administrator to correlate events that led to a situation and to help in troubleshooting and root cause analysis. Log Insight provides a single interface to monitor and manage all OpenStack component’s logs simplifying troubleshooting and correlating events.

VIO OpenStack Overview Dashboard
VMware VIO Overview Dashboard

Log Insight includes new cluster technology to allow your log analytics efforts to scale to new heights.

Log Insight helps users find virtual infrastructure problems with the addition of Intelligent Grouping Machine learning technology that groups data and adds predictive analytics, an important technology that aids in detecting problems more quickly and effectively. Log Insight features an intuitive GUI-based interface that makes it easy to run interactive searches as well as deep analytical queries for quick, actionable insights.

In addition to the native out of the box capabilities of Log Insight, OpenStack Log Insight Content Pack provides operators and administrators with additional tools and dashboards to monitor their OpenStack environments. The dashboards and widgets include some OpenStack specific information and views, for example:

  • Detailed widgets for each OpenStack component Nova, Neutron, Keystone, Cinder …etc.
  • API specific metrics, such as API requests per hour, API response time, etc.
  • Environment utilization such as average vCPU/RAM usage per host and per instance
OpenStack Error Dasboard in Log Insight
OpenStack Error Dashboard in Log Insight

The OpenStack content pack offers easy to understand, visual representation on how well operationally, the OpenStack setup is working. The content pack sorts the log messages collected by feature and technology type, for quick simple representation of messages by severity level, and the impact of these operationally. The Overview dashboard gives a summarized view of the events that have been recorded on the OpenStack setup.

The richness of these dashboards is due to both the extensibility of the OpenStack setup, verbose logging, and the flexibility of Log Insight.  Together, these tools give administrators a valuable tool in monitoring and troubleshooting their OpenStack environment.

Where do I get the Content Pack?

You can download this OpenStack content pack from solution exchange –

OR You can download the content pack from the in-product Marketplace in Log Insight 2.5 or newer –


Content Pack Market Place
Content Pack Market Place



The OpenStack content pack offers easy to understand, visual representation on how well operationally, the OpenStack setup is working. The content pack sorts the log messages collected by feature and technology type, for quick simple representation of messages by severity level, and the impact of these operationally. The Overview dashboard gives a summarized view of the events that have been recorded on the OpenStack setup.

The richness of these dashboards is due to both the extensibility of the OpenStack setup, verbose logging, and the flexibility of Log Insight.  Together, these tools give administrators a valuable tool in monitoring and troubleshooting their OpenStack environment.

And don’t forget to try Log Insight. Take a hands on lab now….

Log Insight Hands On Lab