
Welcome to Erdős

Welcome to Erdős  

Erdős Number n. The number of “hops” needed to connect the author of a paper with the prolific late mathematician Paul Erdős. An author’s Erdős number is 1 if he has co-authored a paper with Erdős, 2 if he has co-authored a paper with someone who has co-authored a paper with Erdős, etc. (Source: Wolfram MathWorld)

I’m pleased to announce Erdős, a new initiative from VMware designed to give IT professionals from around the globe a place to share future-thinking insight while raising the debate around Cloud Management as it grows and evolves.

Why Erdős? Because nothing captures the spirit of this community better than the great Paul Erdős (pronounced ‘air-dish’), whose pioneering journey gave rise to the computing language that helped us ascend to the cloud. Erdős, the most prolific mathematician of all time (he wrote or co-authored 1,475 academic papers), created, curated, and disseminated ideas that escalated our knowledge. Who never stopped at conjectures, but always continued on to prove them. He devoted his life to the passionate pursuit and sharing of truths.

And like the Erdős Number that connects other authors back to this great mathematician, Erdős the community is built to connect information technology people to new ideas, new ways of thinking and new truths that heighten their imaginations and accelerate possibility.

The Erdős mission is to arm the IT community with the knowledge, strategies and confidence in managing their cloud infrastructures to keep their feet firmly planted on the ground in this rapidly evolving technological unknown.

The time is now, for a new way of thinking. The time has come, to rise above the conjectures that often plague a dynamic global technology marketplace and push business forward. For technologists to feel the path to success is not limited, but uninhibited.

After all, why should IT professionals and the businesses they champion settle for the status quo, when they can soar above it? Visit us at http://vmware-erdos.com

Welcome to Erdős. Cloud life. Elevated.