Engineer hand using tablet, heavy automation robot arm machine in smart factory industrial with tablet real time monitoring system application. Industry 4th iot concept.

Learn from a Leader in App-Modernization Solutions

Think of any organization of any size. Maybe it’s a neighborhood business or a global corporation. It could be a school or a university. You might think of a state, local or federal government organization. No matter the kind of organization you envision, you can be sure of this: They use technology, and they feel the need to make their technology more modern.

We’re not talking about the typical desire to make consistent, incremental improvements. This is transformative. Organizations feel an intense need to transform their infrastructure and to modernize the way they develop applications.  

The need for application modernization 

The reasons for this are complex, but at heart it reflects that consumer expectations are changing. Learners at educational institutions want a modern, digital educational experience, and educators want to provide it. Citizens want to interact with their governments and receive services digitally, and governments want to make it happen. Businesses, of course, want to meet the expectations of their customers—and we all have grown accustomed to ordering and buying the products and services we want at the touch of a button, anywhere, at any time.

Since organizations are all feeling the heat, why is this an issue? Any forward-thinking organization would want to take the steps necessary to get the job done. The issue is not a lack of will but a lack of ability. Modernizing applications—and for that matter modernizing infrastructure to support modern apps properly—requires a very specific set of skills. And there simply aren’t enough IT professionals with those skills. 

VMware IT Academy provides the resources to teach app modernization 

At VMware IT Academy, we are working to change that. As a leader in virtualization with a strong and public commitment to supporting developers, we also lead in app-modernization education. Our courses cover all the key topics needed to position an IT pro—or an aspiring IT pro—for a career in app modernization. 

Our courses consist of a series of micro-learning topics that present concepts, examples, videos and discovery questions. They cover topics such as Kubernetes, containers, and the VMware Tanzu™ portfolio.  

After taking this course, you will be able to describe the purpose of application modernization and recognize the differences between modern and traditional applications. You will understand the role of micro-services in software development and the purpose that containers serve. You’ll be able to describe the differences between containers and virtual machines and enumerate the advantages of using containers rather than VMs for running applications. And looking to the open source world, you’ll be able to describe the relationship between containers and Kubernetes, as well as the basic architecture of Kubernetes and the benefits of using it.  

The role of VMware Tanzu in application modernization 

The course also covers the relationship between DevOps and the products in the VMware Tanzu portfolio. You’ll be able to recognize the features offered by different VMware Tanzu editions, and to describe the products in the VMware Tanzu product portfolio. You’ll also be able to describe open source elements of VMware Tanzu Grid from running containerized applications on a certified Kubernetes distribution.

The fact is that we need more people with app-modernization skills today, and we’re going to need even more of them tomorrow. VMware IT Academy is looking ahead to understand how we can accelerate digital and technical skills around the world together.

If you are interested in learning from a technology leader, consider checking out our available courses