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Meet Jason Grierson – VCDX 206

Jason Grierson has been in the tech industry for over 20 years. He has worked in many different facets of technology as an architect and has never seen technology evolve as quickly as it is right now. “We are in a large stage of flux with lots of options. Automation and that ability to quickly change and pivot is where we’re going to see things go,” says Jason.

In light of these monumental shifts in the industry, Jason is very grateful for his VCDX certification. VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX) is the highest level of VMware certification. Jason was inspired to embark upon the VCDX journey, because he enjoys a challenge and realized the several benefits of becoming certified. “I wanted to push my knowledge and certification as far as I could go.”

The process of becoming a VCDX is not an easy one. It is broken down into two key parts: the initial examination and the defense project. The exam is not simply memorization, as Jason explains. The VCDX exam is a test to see how well the candidate creates designs, understands business needs and thinks outside the box. This entire VCDX certification process took Jason a little over a year, but he was not alone.

When you decide to pursue your VCDX certification, you are surrounded by a community of VMware Certified Design Experts who are eager to offer their advice and cheer you along. “The community was amazing, probably one of the best communities that I have ever been a part of,” Jason recalls. Now, after receiving his VCDX, he has become a mentor to those currently pursuing their certification. “This is how the journey works, and it’s one of the biggest benefits of becoming a VCDX.”

Watch Jason’s retelling of his VCDX journey and learn how the certification has enriched his career.

Are you ready to join this elite group of VCDX professionals? Visit the Official VCDX Directory to learn more about how you can earn a VCDX certification.