
Certification Upgrade Policy Update

With the start of a new year, and new versions, we want to share again the upgrade policies so you are clear on what is required to earn the latest version of your certification. The different upgrade paths are listed on our website, and this blog will help outline the general upgrade policy that you will see reflected on the individual certification website pages.

If you wish to upgrade to the current year certification (ex: VCP-DCV 2022) and you hold the previous certification version in the same track (ex: VCP-DCV 2021), then you can either complete a qualifying course or pass the qualifying exam to upgrade. If you hold a certification going back 2-3 versions (ex: VCP-DVC 2019 or newer), then you can pass the qualifying exam to upgrade to the current year certification. If you hold a certification four or more versions back (ex: VCP6.5-DCV) then you are required to complete a qualifying course and pass the qualifying exam in the same track. If you hold a certification in a different track within 3 versions of the most current version, (ex: VCP-CMA 2019) then you can pass the qualifying exam to upgrade.

How do I upgrade my VCAP?

If you wish to upgrade to the current year certification (ex: VCAP-DCV 2022) and you hold the previous certification version in the same track (ex: VCAP-DCV 2021), then you can either complete a qualifying course or pass the qualifying exam to upgrade. If you hold a certification going back 2-3 versions (ex: VCAP-DCV 2019 or newer), then you can pass the qualifying exam to upgrade to the current year certification. If you hold a certification four or more versions back (ex: VCAP-DCV 2018) then you are required to upgrade your VCP and pass the qualifying exam in the same track. If you hold a certification in a different track within 3 versions of the most current version, (ex: VCAP-CMA 2020) it is required to upgrade your VCP and pass the qualifying exam in the same track.