IT Education Career Development Certification Learning

Business Relevance and a Challenge: Spotlight on Brett Guarino

VMware Certifications aren’t just about testing learning from a text book. The VMware Certified Advanced Professional (VCAP) certifications validate deep understanding of design and deployment principles, often through performance-based testing. This important way to measure learning is the truest test of real-life capabilities.


This month we’re spotlighting Brett Guarino. He was instrumental through the entire process of QAing, testing and prepping the infrastructure for alpha release and later incorporating all technical feedback to move us from alpha to beta to GA release. Brett was customer-facing a lot of the time and still made time for not only the work this project entailed but also providing updates and meeting with us regularly. He was extremely responsive and quick to not only provide status of his progress but, more importantly, address issues as they arose. The VCAP-CMA Deploy 2018 certification is another demonstration of the quality and integrity of our Subject Matter Experts. Thank you, Brett!

You can follow Brett on Twitter @Brett_Guarino


What is your background? / How long have you worked in IT?

I learned to type on a type writer at age 4. I’m now 37. I’m tactile and the noise of the keystrokes causing the hammer to strike the page resonated with me.  This turned into experience on a 286 PC with a mechanical keyboard. I’ve been fixing PCs for myself since then and for friends and family since I was a teenager. That feels like when it all started.


What do you think makes for a great testing experience?

I love live labs in exams. I like it when I’m challenged directly with the product on which I’m being tested. I also love to see business relevance in examinations. Tech for the sake of tech may entertain nerds like me, but without business value, there’s no one buying the entertaining tech!


Why did you get involved in the Education Contributor program?

I was invited to partake in the exams, and as an educated professional within VMware, I wanted to do my best to drive alignment between our course offerings and the examinations we offer.


What is the most desirable facet of the Education Contributor program?

Getting a VCP to unlock a world of potential opportunities. It was a game changer in my career.


How have you benefited from the program?

I am more capable as a VMware Certified Instructor in relaying the value of the program to my students, and to prospective candidates at venues such as VMworld and when interacting with peers and customers on social medial such as Twitter (@Brett_Guarino).


Fun Fact

In my spare time I enjoy doing Gi Jiu-Jitsu as an aspiring white belt. My favorite book is a comedy. The title is “A Confederacy of Dunces” by John Kennedy Toole.