Thinking about starting your VMware Certification journey, branching out to a new topic, or even going advanced? The informational videos from VMware Certified Professionals below are a must-watch. They give valuable insight into the benefits each track provided them, including advancing their careers!

If you’ve been following our social media or YouTube channel this week you may have seen these videos. If not, below, we have summarized each of the videos and included links so that you can learn:

  • Why they got VMware certified
  • How they got started with VMware certifications
  • Which certifications they recommend and why
  • What advice they have for fellow students

Pedro Luise Alfonso, VCP DTM, DCV, NV, CMA

Pedro Luis Alfonso is a Technical Account Manager at VMware. In this video, he talks about how VMware certifications have benefited his career and provides advice for others considering VMware Certification.

Joris Adriaanse, VCP – Digital Workspace

Joris Adriaanse, Business Development Manager at Fondo, shares his experience why skills in the Digital Workspace are important to provide excellent user experience and how VMware Certifications have helped to provide him with those skills.

Mohammed Saad AlSuamit, VCAP – Data Center

After graduating from University, Mohammed Saad AlSuamit, joined the PSU Education4Employment program and advanced  to VCAP level. View to find out how he’s got on since achieving his VMware Certifications in Data Center Virtualization.

Join these four and explore VMware Certifications.