Our VMware Horizon 7.3: What’s New webcast last November was another in our series of free webcasts designed around questions and cases from our support teams. Jonathan Perrott, a Senior Technical Support Training Specialist with the VMware Technical Support University (vTSU), answered many questions during the event, and we picked some of the most interesting ones here. You can read them all and/or watch the full webcast replay.

Where would we find more info on the client side logon time logging?
The release notes would be best.

Do Instant Clones with vGPUs running nVidia Grid 5 work over both PCoIP as well as Blast?
Yes, you can see more details here.

Is there a step-by-step walkthrough available for upgrading Horizon 7.2 to 7.3?
I believe there will be an upgrade document made available.

Are there updates to UEM or other sub-products under the Horizon Enterprise license corresponding to this Horizon 7.3 release as well?
You will see related components in the download page when you log into myvmware.com

Can you provide the Horizon 7 databases sizing guide?
You can see sizing details here.

Are there any new benefits with View 7.3 and the vGPU cards?
The release notes provide details of known issues that were resolved in this version.

Can you explain role based access control?
You can assign predefined administrator roles to Horizon Help Desk Tool administrators to delegate the troubleshooting tasks between administrator users. You can also create custom roles and add privileges based on the predefined administrator roles