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Kickstart Your IT Career with VCTA: The VMware Entry Level Certification

Technology is improving every day as new advancements are made and older technology is retired. With this fast-changing reality around us, IT professionals not only need a way to keep their skills sharp, but also, they need a way to prove it.

According to a recent IDC survey, IT companies are facing an IT skills gap that will result in roughly $775 million dollars1 in losses by 2022. Those IT professionals with relevant certifications may just be the answer to these companies’ problems. “An IT professional with at least one relevant certification has nearly two and half times the professional influence as an IT professional with no certification.” If you are ready to be that individual, then VMware Certification may be the right choice for you.

Become a VMware Certified Technical Associate

When it comes to certification, it is all about the journey. The best place to start on this journey is at the beginning by becoming a VMware Certified Technical Associate (VCTA). This entry-level of certification is designed for anyone new to the industry or looking to advance their careers and who perform operational tasks typically delegated by an administrator of virtualized environments.

This journey should be driven by your passion and areas of interest. The great thing about starting with your VCTA is that you have so many different certification tracks to choose from.

  • Data Center Virtualization (DCV)
  • Cloud Management and Automation (CMA)
  • Security (SEC)
  • Network Virtualization (NV)
  • End-User Computing (EUC)
  • Application Modernization (AM)

Ready to get started?

Once you’ve selected your track, getting started is simple. VMware Learning has great tools to help you along your way. There are complimentary exam prep guides to help you prepare for your exam.

VMware Connect Learning is another complimentary tool, designed to help you succeed. There you will find technical videos, articles and other content to help you get started studying. Also, there are Customer Connect communities where you can connect with those who have already achieved their VCTA certification and those who are on the journey with you. Get your questions answered and be encouraged by those around you.

If you feel like you would like more hands-on training, we have a variety of Learning courses that can help you prepare. The best thing about these courses is that they are offered in many different delivery forms.

  • Live Online: Virtual instructor-led VMware training is delivered online utilizing the latest technology. Meet, learn and collaborate from anywhere. These courses meet certification requirements.
  • On Demand: This self-paced training is identical to classroom instruction and accessed through VMware Connect Learning. Subscribers have access to recorded training modules, course materials and practice labs via VMware Lab Connect.
  • Classroom ILT: Traditional instructor-led VMware training is experienced in a classroom setting by individuals or groups from your or other organizations. These courses meet certification requirements.
  • VMware vFlex ILT: Access a live, instructor-led classroom training session remotely. Participate in the class, interact with the instructor and execute the labs all from the comfort of your home or office.

Check out our latest new courses, here.

Your future awaits

Are you ready to take charge of your IT career? To validate your IT skills and set yourself apart in an ever-evolving industry? Start your certification journey today and become a VMWare Certified Technical Associate today!

1 A Solution to the IT Skills Gap: Professional Development Programs – VMware Learning