
Mind the Gap: A Knowledge Skills Assessment in 4 Steps

Technology can be the hidden driver behind so many seemingly innocuous things. Something as simple as the phrase “mind the gap” came about in the 1960s when the London Underground needed to install a recording system to replace station attendants. The recording equipment they purchased had very limited storage capacity and therefore they needed a short, impactful phrase to remind riders to be careful while on the platform. Now this phrase is known all over the world, used in subway systems in other countries, even printed on souvenir shirts.

The gaps we face every day may not be as evident as the ones Londoners see daily when they ride the tube. It can be easy to hide the gaps and sometimes we don’t even know they exist until we fall into them. Don’t let yourself or your team be taken by surprise. These gaps don’t represent a weakness, they represent a challenge to learn.

VMware Learning’s Knowledge Skills Assessment is a great tool to help you and your team stay on top of your IT game. This complimentary service gives you a current state of your team’s IT skills, identifies technology skills gaps, makes recommendations on training courses for both short and long-term success.

Our knowledge skills assessment (KSA) is done in 4 steps.

Step 1: Inform

We take the time to meet with your team individually to understand their primary role and job function. We then discuss which VMware solutions they use every day and how they use them.

Step 2: Identify

Our specialists offer a data analysis, which includes an examination of each team members’ skillsets relative to VMware recommend benchmarks.

Step 3: Individualize

Our Learning team will work with you to implement a joint plan that accommodates your budget and timeline, based on your internal expertise and goals.

Step 4: Report

We present our findings and recommendations to your team.

Are you ready to start minding the gap?